Achieve Your Desired Weight with Help from Innovative Health and Wellness

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The Top Weight Loss Clinic in North Forest, GA

Being fit and healthy is more popular than ever in today's health-conscious society. Despite being trendy, many men and women in our country still find it hard to shed unwanted pounds. They stick to a healthy diet and go to the gym on a regular basis but still aren't able to achieve the weight loss results they crave. They notice stubborn fat deposits around areas like the arms, stomach, and neck. These fatty areas are undoubtedly unsightly, but also a potential sign that serious health issues may be present, like heart disease.

If you're nodding your head in agreement as you read this, take it as a sign that it's time to address your weight problems. Because, if we're being honest, obesity is a major problem in the U.S. - according to research from the NIH, over 30% of people are obese in the U.S. Obese men and women are at a greater risk of severe issues, including:

  • Stroke
  • Heart Disease
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Diabetes
  • Joint Pain
  • High Blood Pressure
  • ED
  • Respiratory Problems
  • More

Service Areas

In the past, short-sighted people would say, "Stop complaining and stop eating. You'll lose weight." What those people failed to realize is that healthy, long-term weight loss won't happen quickly or through starvation. When done correctly, proper weight loss involves guidance and care from licensed physicians with your best interests at heart. That's where Innovative Health and Wellness comes in - a weight loss clinic in North Forest, GA, dedicated to helping clients lose weight effectively.


Comprehensive Exam from a Medical Weight Loss Professional

Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop a personalized program to manage your weight and meet your goals.


Tripeptides and Lip B Injections

Tri-peptides have become quite popular are used to help reduce signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, by improving the skin's elasticity., including FDA-approved weight loss medication and vitamin supplements, help reduce appetite and cravings and promote fat burning.


Lifestyle and Nutrition Counseling

To lose weight and truly keep it off, you've got to make healthy lifestyle choices and changes. Our physicians provide you with the counseling needed to kickstart your lifestyle changes and help change the way you view exercise, food, and nutrition.


Semaglutide Weight Loss Injections

Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication that achieved remarkable weight loss results in trials, with up to 40% of the participants losing 20% of their body weight.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Meds Approved by the FDA

We'll prescribe you FDA-approved vitamins and supplements that help support weight loss and optimize your well-being for the long haul.

To help you understand the true benefits of seeing our weight loss doctors, it's important you first understand what obesity is and what causes it to affect so many Americans.

What is Obesity and What Causes the Disease?

When you become a member of our weight loss clinic in North Forest, GA, you'll learn quickly that obesity is a multifaceted disease. It's most often characterized by the accumulation of excessive body fat. Though it's typically characterized as a cosmetic concern, it's actually a serious medical problem that increases your risk of severe health complications. Often, obese individuals find it challenging to shed weight due to environmental, genetic, and physiological factors.

Our FDA-approved program includes:


Not Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can have negative impacts on your body as it can lead to increased appetite and hormonal changes, ultimately causing obesity. It's very important that you get enough sleep to maintain your well-being, and by proxy, your weight.


Medications and Health Conditions

Some hormone problems, as well as certain medications, can lead to weight gain. This includes conditions like an underactive thyroid, Cushing syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as medications like antidepressants, corticosteroids, and seizure medications.

Empty Calories

Empty Calories

Popular beverages like beers and sodas are chock-full of liquid calories that never fill you up. Mix in dehydration from lack of water and a poor diet, and you've got an equation that almost always equals obesity.

Constant Stress

Constant Stress

We live in a day and time where stress from work and from life is a prevalent as obesity. When you're stressed, it's easy to give in and consume unhealthy foods like candies and burritos. While doing so can give you a short spike of dopamine, it won't last. Eating sweets and fast foods is one of the worst ways to deal with stress.



Studies indicate that genetics can influence the development of obesity. In fact, certain genetic disorders, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, can lead directly to obesity. Genes may also make some individuals more susceptible to weight gain. However, researchers believe that other factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle or a diet rich in calorie-dense foods, are also necessary for a person to become overweight.


Sedentary Lifestyle

If you aren't very active on a daily basis, chances are you're eating more calories than your body is able to burn off. With the advent of smart devices and other popular entertainment options, living a sedentary life is more common than ever.

Poor Diet

Poor Diet

This one is a no-brainer. If you only eat greasy burgers and carb-packed foods, you'll continue to gain weight.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation

When you quit smoking, your body can literally breathe a breath of fresh air. However, quitting cigarettes and nicotine can also cause weight fluctuations. When left to spiral out of control, it can lead to obesity.

What are the Consequences of Living with Obesity?

Many obese Americans are shamed daily for how they look. It never feels good to be made fun of or stared at, but obese people have more to worry about than what others think. They are at risk for several fatal or long-term health issues. Many of those issues are among the leading causes of death in the U.S. Generally, the more you weigh, the greater chance you have of developing bad and even fatal complications such as:

 Medical Weight Loss North Forest, GA

If you have one or more of the symptoms or conditions listed above, don't get too down on yourself. You're not destined to live an unhealthy life. When you choose medical weight loss help from a clinic like Innovative Health and Wellness, you can turn your life around and steer it toward a path of positivity and productivity.

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Joint and Muscle Degeneration
  • Blood Clots
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Incontinence
  • Gallstones
  • Breathing Issues
  • Acid Reflux and Chronic Heartburn
 Semaglutide Weight Loss North Forest, GA

Understanding the Dangers of Fad and Yo-Yo Diets

When you're obese and learn that you're at risk for major health events like heart attacks and strokes, it can make you anxious and want to lose weight ASAP. Unfortunately, many overweight people turn to fad diets and "lose weight quick" programs.

If you were to ask a random person on the street to name a trendy diet, they could probably name one, past or present. Diets like Paleo, South Beach Atkins, and Keto are well-known to most people. However, the issue with these diets is that they may not work for everyone, and even when they do, the outcomes are not always long-lasting.

Some common characteristics of unhealthy fad diets include:

  • Unrealistic and unhealthy weight loss practices
  • "Special" food sources that help weight "melt away"
  • Quick weight loss without needing to exercise or stick to a healthy diet
  • Fad diets are usually bad about prioritizing good nutrition. Instead, they tout extreme life choices or sketchy pills. While FDA-approved medicines such as Semaglutide injections have been shown to be effective when prescribed by a doctor, using a fad diet is counterproductive to healthy living.
  • If you're struggling with your weight, it is likely that you are feeling stressed and trying to find an effective solution. You may have already tried multiple fad diets, unsafe diet pills, or even invested in workout equipment that you never use. Yet, despite your best efforts, you're still struggling. If this sounds familiar, it could be because you never received clinical guidance at a weight loss clinic in North Forest, GA.
  • The most effective solution to your weight problem begins with a medical weight loss plan from Innovative Health and Wellness. Instead of following a fad diet, we encourage you to speak to one of our weight loss clinicians who can help you lose those unwanted pounds in an enjoyable, efficient manner that is tailored to your body, not someone else's.
 Peptide Weight Loss North Forest, GA

Top 5 Benefits of Using a Weight Loss Clinic in North Forest, GA

Maintaining a healthy weight is a positive habit that can keep you happy and fit. However, weight loss isn't just about fitting into old clothes from college or looking good on a date night. It's about feeling better and improving your overall health in the long run. Achieving that goal is where working with a medical weight loss clinic starts to make a lot of sense.

Some additional benefits of choosing a weight loss clinic include:

 GLP-1 Weight Loss North Forest, GA

No Surgery Needed

Although weight loss surgery can be effective, it involves risks and a long recovery period. Can you imagine wanting to lose weight but having to wait weeks or longer to recover from an intense, invasive procedure? Medical weight loss programs - like those at Innovative Health and Wellness - aim to help individuals achieve weight loss goals without the need for surgery. Therefore, medical weight loss programs are designed to provide a safer and less invasive approach to weight loss management.

 Medical Weight Loss Clinic North Forest, GA

Customized Diet and Exercise Plans for Your Body

At Innovative Health and Wellness, we understand that a one-size-fits-all diet doesn't work for everyone and often leads to failure or yo-yo dieting. That's why we offer a personalized weight loss program tailored to your individual needs - not someone who matches your general body type, age, and weight. In fact, we take the time to understand your history and the contributing factors to your unique case, and then we help you develop a healthy diet plan that's best suited for you.

Our weight loss program also includes nutritional counseling to teach you how to make healthy food choices. You'll have access to medical professionals who are there to support you every step of the way, answer any questions, and provide encouragement. With our personalized weight loss program, you can achieve your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss Clinic  North Forest, GA

Learn How to Exercise Safely and Effectively

Losing weight is not just about following a diet plan. It requires a complete change in lifestyle and an active routine. A medical weight loss program can assist you in learning about the best exercises for your body and current physical condition. Having a support system while dieting is crucial, and having an exercise counselor to keep you motivated and on track is often the key to success for those who find it difficult to commit to a workout schedule.

Our medical experts will guide you in understanding which exercises to do, how much and how often. They will also let you know when it's time to adjust your exercise regimen.

 Medical Weight Loss North Forest, GA

Lose Weight Safely

Using a weight loss clinic to help you lose weight isn't just effective - it's one of the safest ways to shed lbs., too. Without professional supervision from a weight loss clinician, you run the risk of:

  • Unbalanced nutrients and calories
  • Putting yourself under unneeded mental stress
  • Developing an eating disorder
  • Hurting yourself by exercising too much or exercising incorrectly
  • Becoming victim to yo-yo dieting and losing weight too fast

If you're looking to lose weight fast with no diet needed, it might be time to recalibrate your priorities. At Innovative Health and Wellness, our clinicians don't only focus on helping you lose weight. They also address issues related to hormone imbalances, physical therapy, high blood pressure, chiropractic concerns, and overall diet. We're committed to changing your life, one healthy choice at a time.

 Semaglutide Weight Loss North Forest, GA

Supervised Weight Loss and Exercise

People who are overweight and wish to start dieting or exercising should be careful not to do so without proper supervision. Without guidance, they may become frustrated, feel defeated, and ultimately either give up or revert to their old habits.

When a doctor supervises a weight loss program, you are more likely to follow the recommended diet and exercise routines because they are tailored to suit your specific needs. Plus, medical professionals do not judge you; they accept you as you are and support and encourage you to increase your chances of success in the program.

Enjoy Life at a Weight You Love with Help from Innovative Health and Wellness

Joining Innovative Health and Wellness means reclaiming your life. It is an important decision that you must make soon before your health deteriorates further. If you want to feel and look better and live a life free of obesity, our medical weight loss clinic in North Forest, GA is the perfect place for you.

Are you ready to take the next steps toward happiness and healing your body, or will you remain stuck in the same old routine? If you're ready to make meaningful, long-term changes in your life, our weight loss doctors are ready to assist you every step of the way. Our comprehensive weight loss program provides all the tools you need to succeed, including medicines like Semaglutide and GLP-1 agonists, tripeptides, and healthy supplements. Contact our weight loss center to schedule your introductory consultation today.

Latest News in North Forest, GA

Oconee Rivers Greenway Trails System

North Oconee River Trail This trail winds its way along the North Oconee River from Sandy Creek Nature Center through Dudley Park and the Oconee Hill Cemetery up towards Bailey St and Carriage Lane. Along the way you will see views of the North Oconee River, North Oconee River Park, Aguar Plaza, Oconee Hill Cemetery, Carr's Creek, and Dudley Park.This multi-use paved trail is available for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and any non-motorized modes of transportation. East Campus ConnectorThis trail is a conc...

North Oconee River Trail

This trail winds its way along the North Oconee River from Sandy Creek Nature Center through Dudley Park and the Oconee Hill Cemetery up towards Bailey St and Carriage Lane. Along the way you will see views of the North Oconee River, North Oconee River Park, Aguar Plaza, Oconee Hill Cemetery, Carr's Creek, and Dudley Park.

This multi-use paved trail is available for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and any non-motorized modes of transportation.

East Campus Connector

This trail is a concrete, multi-use trail that connects the Oconee St Park and Ride Parking Lot near the Loop 10 interchange with the North Oconee River Trail and the UGA campus. It is available for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and any non-motorized modes of transportation.

This SPLOST funded project was completed in 2018 and serves as an important transportation and recreation corridor from the Eastside of Athens to UGA Campus and downtown.

Cook's Trail

Cook's Trail is a 2.1 mile natural surface trail that runs alongside Sandy Creek south of Sandy Creek Park. Please be aware that the trail does not loop and may flood during periods of heavy rain. Cook's Trail is open to foot traffic only. The trail head is located at Sandy Creek Park.

While enjoying the scenery, you can take the 1 mile Oxbow Loop trail. This trail follows the edge of a lovely Oxbow Lake and presents many opportunities for viewing the wildlife that is unique to this habitat.

Trail Creek Trail

This is a paved multi-use path within Virginia Walker Park, that is approximately one-mile in length and provides opportunities to experience nature in a variety of ways while linking parks, neighborhoods, and points of interest such as a Civil War gun emplacement site. It is available for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and any non-motorized modes of transportation.

The 2005 SPLOST project was designed by W. R Toole Engineers and built by Structural Resources. Additional project funds included a Georgia Department of Transportation and Enhancement grant.

Pulaski Heights Trail

This is a paved multi-use path, is ¼-mile in length and follows Moore's Branch, a creek draining from Downtown to the North Oconee River. The trail connects from Pulaski Street near the Leathers Building to the intersection of Hull and Hoyt Streets. It is available for use by pedestrians and any non-motorized modes of transportation, including bicycles.

The trail passes through the site of a former rail yard once used by the Southern Railway. The Southern Railway's historic depot is currently occupied by the Athens Community Council on Aging, a partner in the project.

Milledge Extension Trail

Milledge Extension Trail is a 1/4 mile paved multi-use trail that connects Milledge Avenue Extension with South Milledge Avenue. There is a UGA bus stop at the north end of the trail. Per the 2016 Greenway Network Plan, this trail will eventually extend down Macon Highway with a street based connection.

It is available for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and any non-motorized modes of transportation.

No. 4 Wake Forest Returns Home for Three-Match Weekend

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – For the first time in over a month, the No. 4-ranked Wake Forest men's tennis team will return home, hosting Georgia Tech, Clemson and North Carolina A&T on Friday and Sunday, respectively, at the Wake Forest Tennis Complex.Friday, first serve between the Demon Deacons and the 28th-ranked Yellow Jackets is slated for 4 p.m., while Sunday's matches against Clemson and North Carolina A&T will begin at 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., respectively.Match Schedule ...

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – For the first time in over a month, the No. 4-ranked Wake Forest men's tennis team will return home, hosting Georgia Tech, Clemson and North Carolina A&T on Friday and Sunday, respectively, at the Wake Forest Tennis Complex.

Friday, first serve between the Demon Deacons and the 28th-ranked Yellow Jackets is slated for 4 p.m., while Sunday's matches against Clemson and North Carolina A&T will begin at 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., respectively.

Match Schedule

How To Follow The live stream for all matches will be provided via Playsight, while the live results can be found here.

Fan Information Wake Forest Athletics is committed to providing the Best Fan Experience in North Carolina within a safe and fan-friendly environment. Admission to all Wake Forest tennis regular season matches are free of charge.

Free pizza will be available for the first 100 fans Friday against Georgia Tech.

Last Time Out (at Virginia Tech) Behind four straight-set singles victories, Wake Forest defeated ACC foe Virginia Tech, 5-2, Sunday evening at the Burrows-Burleson Tennis Center in Blacksburg, Va.

With the result, the Demon Deacons earned their first ACC win of the 2024 season. Additionally, Sunday marked the Deacs' 11th-straight victory over Virginia Tech, dating back to 2015.

Wake Forest faced an early deficit in doubles play, before clinching the point behind wins on courts two and three, respectively.

Leading 1-0 going into singles action, the Demon Deacons won four straight-set singles matches to clinch the match.

Individually, DK Suresh Ekambaram, Matthew Thomson, Luca Pow and Holden Koons all earned dual singles victories. Of note, Pow has now won seven-consecutive singles matches.

Wake Forest's Lineup by the Numbers (Doubles)

Name Overall 1 2 3 Streak
No. 1 Suresh/Koons 10-0 10-0 W10
Moroni/Thomson 5-6 5-5 0-1 W1
Tacchi/Pow 9-5 2-1 7-4 W2


Name Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 Streak
No. 22 Filippo Moroni 4-8 4-6 0-2 L2
No. 90 DK Suresh Ekambaram 5-6 1-2 4-4 W1
No. 98 Luciano Tacchi 8-5 2-3 5-2 1-0 W1
Matthew Thomson 7-5 2-0 3-4 2-1 W1
Luca Pow 13-2 1-0 5-0 7-2 W7
Holden Koons 10-3 1-0 1-1 6-1 2-1 W1

ITA Rankings In the latest ITA Rankings, Wake Forest was ranked fourth nationally. Additionally, the Demon Deacons have four singles players and one doubles pair currently ranked.


22 Filippo Moroni
90 DK Suresh Ekambaram
98 Luciano Tacchi
105 Franco Capalbo


1 DK Suresh/Holden Koons

The Matchup - No. 28 Georgia Tech Georgia Tech has opened the 2024 campaign with an impressive 10-3 record, including a 1-1 mark in ACC play. The Yellow Jackets recently knocked off then-No. 11 Duke, 6-1, on Sunday. Georgia Tech is led by 2023 All-American Andres Martin.

Ranked Yellow Jackets

Friday will mark the 51st all-time meeting between the Demon Deacons and the Yellow Jackets as the Deacs own a 26-24 record. Of note, Wake Forest is 13-1 against Georgia Tech since 2012.

The Matchup - Clemson Clemson enters Sunday's match with a 7-6 (0-2 ACC) mark. The Tigers have notched wins over Brown and SMU this season, while playing several other competitive matches. Clemson is led by nationally-ranked freshman Wissam Abderrahman.

Ranked Tigers

Wake Forest is on a 13-match winning streak against Clemson, dating back to 2012. Additionally, the Demon Deacons lead the all-time series, 35-29.

The Matchup - North Carolina A&T North Carolina A&T is off to a perfect 8-0 start to the 2024 season, highlighted by wins over Howard and Belmont Abbey. The Aggies have swept seven of their eight opponents, dropping only two points on the campaign. North Carolina A&T is led by graduate student Esteban Lopez.

The Demon Deacons will look to remain unbeaten against the Aggies Sunday, as they currently own a 2-0 record.

Next Up The Deacs will remain home to host No. 25 Baylor, No. 33 VCU and Campbell next weekend.

Follow the Deacs: | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Georgia Tech vs Wake Forest Prediction, Pick & Odds | ACC Betting Guide

G Tech OddsPoint SpreadOver/UnderMoneyline+13.5-110151.5-110o / -110u+675Wake Forest OddsPoint SpreadOver/UnderMoneyline-13.5-110151.5-110o / -110u-1100Odds via BetMGM. G...

G Tech Odds
Point SpreadOver/UnderMoneyline
+13.5-110151.5-110o / -110u+675
Wake Forest Odds
Point SpreadOver/UnderMoneyline
-13.5-110151.5-110o / -110u-1100

Odds via BetMGM. Get up-to-the-minute NCAAB odds here.

Wake Forest is poised for a return to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2017 with an 18-11 overall record. Meanwhile, Georgia Tech can play spoiler in what has been a difficult season with a 13-16 record on the year.

All of the pressure is on the home team to avoid a defeat, but we all know the madness and upsets that come in March, so we should have a great contest in Winston-Salem.

Let's take a closer look at both teams in our Georgia Tech vs. Wake Forest preview and pick.

Check out our College Basketball Betting Hub for more NCAAB previews, predictions, news and analysis.

Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

In his debut season as coach, Damon Stoudamire hasn’t had the best campaign. However, there have been improvements by the Yellow Jackets.

Georgia Tech has picked up seven wins over Quad 1 and Quad 2 opponents this year, including victories over Duke, Clemson and North Carolina. That is more than double what the program did a year ago with just three victories against similar foes.

The Yellow Jackets are also playing some of their best basketball right now. They have wins in three of their last four games and have won consecutive ACC contests for the first time this season. The back-to-back victories are also the first time Stoudamire’s squad has done so since the Diamond Head Classic back in December.

Georgia Tech has three players averaging in double figures in scoring, led by Miles Kelly at 14.8 points per game to go with six rebounds per game.

Wake Forest Demon Deacons

In the recent Bracketology release by Joe Lunardi, Wake Forest is slated as one of the teams in the Last Four Byes. This means Steve Forbes and his team have no room for error.

Luckily for the Demon Deacons, the final two regular-season contests are at home, where they have thrived. Wake Forest is 15-0 this year and 45-5 since the 2021-22 campaign inside the LJVM Coliseum. The 45 home victories are the most in the ACC over this span, and it is the best winning percentage at home in the Forbes era.

One of the keys to the strong campaign has been the play of Hunter Sallis. The Gonzaga transfer ranks in the top five in the conference in scoring (18.1 PPG) and is shooting over 50% from the field.

Georgia Tech vs. Wake Forest

Betting Pick & Prediction

When I researched this matchup, multiple factors guided me to my favorite play, which backs the home team to get off to a great start in this game.

My best bet is for Wake Forest to cover the first-half spread at -9.5 or better. I also don’t hate the Demon Deacons on the full-game spread of -14 at DraftKings.

One profitable angle has been to back Forbes’ team at home following a conference loss. When Wake Forest has played at home in ACC play after a defeat, the Demon Deacons have covered the first-half spread in all four games with an average lead of 11.8 points at halftime.

Meanwhile, this is a Georgia Tech squad that ranks 225th in the nation in first-half scoring and average first-half margin. The Yellow Jackets have been losing at the break in five of eight road league games.

Outside of fighting for an NCAA Tournament bid, Wake Forest is also playing for seeding in the ACC Tournament. The Demon Deacons enter this game in a three-way tie with Clemson and Pittsburgh for the No. 4 seed in the tournament, which is the final double bye.

Forbes’ squad boasts a perfect record at home this season, and I expect them to get back on track from the opening tip in this one.

Pick: Wake Forest 1H -9.5 or Better

ACC Announces Conference Matchups for 2024-25 Men’s Basketball Season

CHARLOTTE, N.C. ( – The Atlantic Coast Conference today announced the 20 conference matchups for each of its men’s basketball teams for the 2024-25 season. The season marks the first of the 18-team ACC, as the league welcomes California (Cal), SMU and Stanford.“As the 2023-24 ACC women’s and men’s basketball regular-season competition continues and our teams look ahead to the postseason, we are thrilled to announce each school’s opponents for our first...

CHARLOTTE, N.C. ( – The Atlantic Coast Conference today announced the 20 conference matchups for each of its men’s basketball teams for the 2024-25 season. The season marks the first of the 18-team ACC, as the league welcomes California (Cal), SMU and Stanford.

“As the 2023-24 ACC women’s and men’s basketball regular-season competition continues and our teams look ahead to the postseason, we are thrilled to announce each school’s opponents for our first year as an 18-member league,” said ACC Commissioner Jim Phillips, Ph.D. “We look forward to having Cal, SMU and Stanford join the ACC this summer and we know there’s already great excitement and anticipation for our teams, alumni and fans for what’s ahead surrounding this incredible conference.”

The matchups released today and revealed live on ACC PM, designate the home and away opponents for the 2024-25 season. The full conference schedule with specific game dates, times and networks will be announced early this fall.

The 20-game schedule for 2024-25 features: · Two games (home and away) versus each of the school’s two current partners (Cal/SMU/Stanford will be partners with each other). · One repeat opponent (home and away). · The remaining 14 conference games consist of seven home-only opponents and seven away-only opponents.

As announced earlier this month, the top 15 teams in the final league standings will play in the 2025 ACC Men’s Basketball Tournament, played March 11-15 at Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The regular-season ACC matchups for the 2024-25 season are listed below:

Boston College Home/Away: Notre Dame, Syracuse, Georgia Tech Home: Clemson, Duke, Florida State, Louisville, Miami, SMU, Virginia Tech Away: Cal, North Carolina, NC State, Pitt, Stanford, Virginia, Wake Forest

Cal Home/Away: SMU, Stanford, NC State Home: Boston College, Florida State, Miami, Syracuse, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest Away: Clemson, Duke, Georgia Tech, Louisville, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Pitt

Clemson Home/Away: Florida State, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech Home: Cal, Duke, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Stanford, Syracuse, Wake Forest Away: Boston College, Louisville, Miami, NC State, Pitt, SMU, Virginia

Duke Home/Away: North Carolina, Wake Forest, Miami Home: Cal, Florida State, NC State, Notre Dame, Pitt, Stanford, Virginia Tech Away: Boston College, Clemson, Georgia Tech, Louisville, SMU, Syracuse, Virginia

Florida State Home/Away: Clemson, Miami, Louisville Home: Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Pitt, SMU, Syracuse, Virginia Tech Away: Boston College, Cal, Duke, NC State, Stanford, Virginia, Wake Forest

Georgia Tech Home/Away: Clemson, Notre Dame, Boston College Home: Cal, Duke, Louisville, Miami, NC State, Stanford, Virginia Tech Away: Florida State, North Carolina, Pitt, SMU, Syracuse, Virginia, Wake Forest

Louisville Home/Away: Pitt, Virginia, Florida State Home: Cal, Clemson, Duke, Miami, North Carolina, Stanford, Wake Forest Away: Boston College, Georgia Tech, NC State, Notre Dame, SMU, Syracuse, Virginia Tech

Miami Home/Away: Florida State, Virginia Tech, Duke Home: Clemson, NC State, Notre Dame, SMU, Syracuse, Virginia, Wake Forest Away: Boston College, Cal, Georgia Tech, Louisville, North Carolina, Pitt, Stanford

North Carolina Home/Away: Duke, NC State, Pitt Home: Boston College, Cal, Georgia Tech, Miami, SMU, Stanford, Virginia Away: Clemson, Florida State, Louisville, Notre Dame, Syracuse, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest

NC State Home/Away: North Carolina, Wake Forest, Cal Home: Boston College, Clemson, Florida State, Louisville, Notre Dame, Pitt, SMU Away: Duke, Georgia Tech, Miami, Stanford, Syracuse, Virginia, Virginia Tech

Notre Dame Home/Away: Boston College, Georgia Tech, Syracuse Home: Cal, Louisville, North Carolina, Pitt, SMU, Stanford, Virginia Tech Away: Clemson, Duke, Florida State, Miami, NC State, Virginia, Wake Forest

Pitt Home/Away: Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina Home: Boston College, Cal, Clemson, Georgia Tech, Miami, Stanford, Virginia Away: Duke, Florida State, NC State, Notre Dame, SMU, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest

SMU Home/Away: Cal, Stanford, Virginia Home: Clemson, Duke, Georgia Tech, Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, Wake Forest Away: Boston College, Florida State, Miami, North Carolina, NC State, Notre Dame, Virginia Tech

Stanford Home/Away: Cal, SMU, Wake Forest Home: Boston College, Florida State, Miami, NC State, Syracuse, Virginia, Virginia Tech Away: Clemson, Duke, Georgia Tech, Louisville, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Pitt

Syracuse Home/Away: Boston College, Pitt, Notre Dame Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Louisville, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, Wake Forest Away: Cal, Clemson, Florida State, Miami, SMU, Stanford, Virginia Tech

Virginia Home/Away: Louisville, Virginia Tech, SMU Home: Boston College, Clemson, Duke, Florida State, Georgia Tech, NC State, Notre Dame Away: Cal, Miami, North Carolina, Pitt, Stanford, Syracuse, Wake Forest

Virginia Tech Home/Away: Miami, Virginia, Clemson Home: Louisville, North Carolina, NC State, Pitt, SMU, Syracuse, Wake Forest Away: Boston College, Cal, Duke, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Stanford

Wake Forest Home/Away: Duke, NC State, Stanford Home: Boston College, Florida State, Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Pitt, Virginia Away: Cal, Clemson, Louisville, Miami, SMU, Syracuse, Virginia Tech


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