Superfoods for Your Medical Weight Loss: Part 2

19 Jan 17


If you have been keeping up with our blogs, we are helping you get healthy and fit with our medical weight loss program in Buckhead. Our program encompasses all the tools you need to alter your lifestyle for the better.

At Innovative Health and Wellness, we incorporate all the tools in our medical weight loss for your overall success. Our program has a nutritional plan, exercises, and even appetite suppressants. Don’t struggle with your weight any longer; get fit and healthy today in Buckhead!

Here are some more amazing superfoods for your medical weight loss:


This fish can be prepared in many different ways and is delicious. Salmon is a protein, but it’s lean, so it is better for your body overall. Protein is essential in your diet, and many believe they need to eat red meat to obtain it. Although red meat is tasty, it is not the best option for your medical weight loss. Things like salmon and other light fish dishes are a great substitute and can still make a delectable and filling meal.

Brown Rice

When you start a weight loss plan, the goal is not to give up everything you love; it is all about moderation. With brown rice, however, have as much as you like! This rice is much healthier than the plain white and it’s packed with fiber which makes it much heartier and filling. The greatest part about brown rice is that it is considered a heavy food but is very low in calories. Make so many different dishes using this delicious alternative to white rice!


Grapefruit may be a food you weren’t expecting on this list, but hopefully, you are pleasantly surprised! Grapefruits are another food that is packed with fiber, which keeps you feeling full. As you may have noticed, one the biggest issues people have with eating is overeating. Foods high in fiber help tackle this problem. Not only is grapefruit going to keep you feeling full, it is also low on the calorie scale, so you don’t need to feel guilty having this sweet treat. Grapefruit also helps curb other food cravings you may have, and it helps with your blood sugar. Have some grapefruit for breakfast or an afternoon snack to keep you on course for your medical weight loss.


Bananas are not only a great source of potassium, but they also are considered a superfood you can appreciate. A banana that is still green is full of starch, which can keep you feeling full, similar to fiber. You can eat a banana on its own or mix it in with your oatmeal. Bananas are great for a mid-morning or afternoon snack since they are filling by themselves. If your sweet tooth is really aching, you can make some dark chocolate banana bites. Frozen, they will remind you of ice cream, and you will be able to indulge without the guilt of cheating!

When it comes to your medical weight loss in Buckhead, all we want to witness is your success. We will be coaching you every step of the way and creating detailed meal plans for you to follow with these nutritious superfoods. If you are wanting to change and need support, come to Innovative Health and Wellness today!

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