The Top Weight Loss Clinic in Kearns, GA

Being fit and healthy is more popular than ever in today's health-conscious society. Despite being trendy, many men and women in our country still find it hard to shed unwanted pounds. They stick to a healthy diet and go to the gym on a regular basis but still aren't able to achieve the weight loss results they crave. They notice stubborn fat deposits around areas like the arms, stomach, and neck. These fatty areas are undoubtedly unsightly, but also a potential sign that serious health issues may be present, like heart disease.

If you're nodding your head in agreement as you read this, take it as a sign that it's time to address your weight problems. Because, if we're being honest, obesity is a major problem in the U.S. - according to research from the NIH, over 30% of people are obese in the U.S. Obese men and women are at a greater risk of severe issues, including:

  • Stroke
  • Heart Disease
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Diabetes
  • Joint Pain
  • High Blood Pressure
  • ED
  • Respiratory Problems
  • More

In the past, short-sighted people would say, "Stop complaining and stop eating. You'll lose weight." What those people failed to realize is that healthy, long-term weight loss won't happen quickly or through starvation. When done correctly, proper weight loss involves guidance and care from licensed physicians with your best interests at heart. That's where Innovative Health and Wellness comes in - a weight loss clinic in Kearns, GA, dedicated to helping clients lose weight effectively.

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What Makes Innovative Health and Wellness Different from Other Weight Loss Clinics?

At Innovative Health and Wellness, we offer a straightforward Weight Loss plan that focuses on helping you lose weight in a safe and healthy way. Our program provides you with accountability and guidance using the latest technology to achieve your desired weight loss goals. Our top priority is to help you attain your desired weight in a safe and effective manner. During our program, we will teach you how to make necessary lifestyle changes to not only reduce weight but also to manage your weight and sustain it over time.

Weight Loss Clinic Kearns, GA

Our FDA-approved program includes:

  • Appetite Suppressants Like Semaglutide Injections
  • Amino Acid and GPL-1 Treatments
  • Tripeptide Treatments
  • Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements
  • Custom Nutrition and Health Coaching

This robust combination of treatments helps you accomplish the goal you've been after for so long - living a normal life at a normal, healthy weight for years to come.

It all starts with our simple, three-step process:

Consultation: Begin your journey to healthy weight loss with a free consultation at our office. During your initial consultation, we'll discover your needs and goals and whether you would be an ideal candidate for our weight loss program. This initial consultation can take place virtually or in our weight loss clinic in Kearns, GA.

Personalized Medical Weight Loss Program: Once we determine that you're a good fit, we'll craft a custom weight loss program based on your medical history and your weight loss goals.

Accountability: We are here to support you throughout your weight loss journey and provide an accountability factor that has been proven to be highly effective. Weekly check-ins can help you stay on track and reach your weight loss goals successfully. These check-ins also help you maintain the weight you've worked so hard to lose through our weight loss program.

What is Included in an Innovative Health and Wellness Weight Loss Plan?

To help you lose weight and keep it off, our physicians offer a range of services and products to help. Highlights of our custom weight loss plans include the following:


Comprehensive Exam from a Medical Weight Loss Professional

Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop a personalized program to manage your weight and meet your goals.


Tripeptides and Lip B Injections

Tri-peptides have become quite popular are used to help reduce signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, by improving the skin's elasticity., including FDA-approved weight loss medication and vitamin supplements, help reduce appetite and cravings and promote fat burning.


Lifestyle and Nutrition Counseling

To lose weight and truly keep it off, you've got to make healthy lifestyle choices and changes. Our physicians provide you with the counseling needed to kickstart your lifestyle changes and help change the way you view exercise, food, and nutrition.


Semaglutide Weight Loss Injections

Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication that achieved remarkable weight loss results in trials, with up to 40% of the participants losing 20% of their body weight.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Meds Approved by the FDA

We'll prescribe you FDA-approved vitamins and supplements that help support weight loss and optimize your well-being for the long haul.

To help you understand the true benefits of seeing our weight loss doctors, it's important you first understand what obesity is and what causes it to affect so many Americans.

What is Obesity and What Causes the Disease?

When you become a member of our weight loss clinic in Kearns, GA, you'll learn quickly that obesity is a multifaceted disease. It's most often characterized by the accumulation of excessive body fat. Though it's typically characterized as a cosmetic concern, it's actually a serious medical problem that increases your risk of severe health complications. Often, obese individuals find it challenging to shed weight due to environmental, genetic, and physiological factors.

Our FDA-approved program includes:


Not Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can have negative impacts on your body as it can lead to increased appetite and hormonal changes, ultimately causing obesity. It's very important that you get enough sleep to maintain your well-being, and by proxy, your weight.


Medications and Health Conditions

Some hormone problems, as well as certain medications, can lead to weight gain. This includes conditions like an underactive thyroid, Cushing syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as medications like antidepressants, corticosteroids, and seizure medications.

Empty Calories

Empty Calories

Popular beverages like beers and sodas are chock-full of liquid calories that never fill you up. Mix in dehydration from lack of water and a poor diet, and you've got an equation that almost always equals obesity.

Constant Stress

Constant Stress

We live in a day and time where stress from work and from life is a prevalent as obesity. When you're stressed, it's easy to give in and consume unhealthy foods like candies and burritos. While doing so can give you a short spike of dopamine, it won't last. Eating sweets and fast foods is one of the worst ways to deal with stress.



Studies indicate that genetics can influence the development of obesity. In fact, certain genetic disorders, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, can lead directly to obesity. Genes may also make some individuals more susceptible to weight gain. However, researchers believe that other factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle or a diet rich in calorie-dense foods, are also necessary for a person to become overweight.


Sedentary Lifestyle

If you aren't very active on a daily basis, chances are you're eating more calories than your body is able to burn off. With the advent of smart devices and other popular entertainment options, living a sedentary life is more common than ever.

Poor Diet

Poor Diet

This one is a no-brainer. If you only eat greasy burgers and carb-packed foods, you'll continue to gain weight.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation

When you quit smoking, your body can literally breathe a breath of fresh air. However, quitting cigarettes and nicotine can also cause weight fluctuations. When left to spiral out of control, it can lead to obesity.

What are the Consequences of Living with Obesity?

Many obese Americans are shamed daily for how they look. It never feels good to be made fun of or stared at, but obese people have more to worry about than what others think. They are at risk for several fatal or long-term health issues. Many of those issues are among the leading causes of death in the U.S. Generally, the more you weigh, the greater chance you have of developing bad and even fatal complications such as:

 Medical Weight Loss Kearns, GA

If you have one or more of the symptoms or conditions listed above, don't get too down on yourself. You're not destined to live an unhealthy life. When you choose medical weight loss help from a clinic like Innovative Health and Wellness, you can turn your life around and steer it toward a path of positivity and productivity.

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Joint and Muscle Degeneration
  • Blood Clots
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Incontinence
  • Gallstones
  • Breathing Issues
  • Acid Reflux and Chronic Heartburn
 Semaglutide Weight Loss Kearns, GA

Understanding the Dangers of Fad and Yo-Yo Diets

When you're obese and learn that you're at risk for major health events like heart attacks and strokes, it can make you anxious and want to lose weight ASAP. Unfortunately, many overweight people turn to fad diets and "lose weight quick" programs.

If you were to ask a random person on the street to name a trendy diet, they could probably name one, past or present. Diets like Paleo, South Beach Atkins, and Keto are well-known to most people. However, the issue with these diets is that they may not work for everyone, and even when they do, the outcomes are not always long-lasting.

Some common characteristics of unhealthy fad diets include:

  • Unrealistic and unhealthy weight loss practices
  • "Special" food sources that help weight "melt away"
  • Quick weight loss without needing to exercise or stick to a healthy diet
  • Fad diets are usually bad about prioritizing good nutrition. Instead, they tout extreme life choices or sketchy pills. While FDA-approved medicines such as Semaglutide injections have been shown to be effective when prescribed by a doctor, using a fad diet is counterproductive to healthy living.
  • If you're struggling with your weight, it is likely that you are feeling stressed and trying to find an effective solution. You may have already tried multiple fad diets, unsafe diet pills, or even invested in workout equipment that you never use. Yet, despite your best efforts, you're still struggling. If this sounds familiar, it could be because you never received clinical guidance at a weight loss clinic in Kearns, GA.
  • The most effective solution to your weight problem begins with a medical weight loss plan from Innovative Health and Wellness. Instead of following a fad diet, we encourage you to speak to one of our weight loss clinicians who can help you lose those unwanted pounds in an enjoyable, efficient manner that is tailored to your body, not someone else's.
 Peptide Weight Loss Kearns, GA

Top 5 Benefits of Using a Weight Loss Clinic in Kearns, GA

Maintaining a healthy weight is a positive habit that can keep you happy and fit. However, weight loss isn't just about fitting into old clothes from college or looking good on a date night. It's about feeling better and improving your overall health in the long run. Achieving that goal is where working with a medical weight loss clinic starts to make a lot of sense.

Some additional benefits of choosing a weight loss clinic include:

 GLP-1 Weight Loss Kearns, GA

No Surgery Needed

Although weight loss surgery can be effective, it involves risks and a long recovery period. Can you imagine wanting to lose weight but having to wait weeks or longer to recover from an intense, invasive procedure? Medical weight loss programs - like those at Innovative Health and Wellness - aim to help individuals achieve weight loss goals without the need for surgery. Therefore, medical weight loss programs are designed to provide a safer and less invasive approach to weight loss management.

 Medical Weight Loss Clinic Kearns, GA

Customized Diet and Exercise Plans for Your Body

At Innovative Health and Wellness, we understand that a one-size-fits-all diet doesn't work for everyone and often leads to failure or yo-yo dieting. That's why we offer a personalized weight loss program tailored to your individual needs - not someone who matches your general body type, age, and weight. In fact, we take the time to understand your history and the contributing factors to your unique case, and then we help you develop a healthy diet plan that's best suited for you.

Our weight loss program also includes nutritional counseling to teach you how to make healthy food choices. You'll have access to medical professionals who are there to support you every step of the way, answer any questions, and provide encouragement. With our personalized weight loss program, you can achieve your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss Clinic Kearns, GA

Learn How to Exercise Safely and Effectively

Losing weight is not just about following a diet plan. It requires a complete change in lifestyle and an active routine. A medical weight loss program can assist you in learning about the best exercises for your body and current physical condition. Having a support system while dieting is crucial, and having an exercise counselor to keep you motivated and on track is often the key to success for those who find it difficult to commit to a workout schedule.

Our medical experts will guide you in understanding which exercises to do, how much and how often. They will also let you know when it's time to adjust your exercise regimen.

 Medical Weight Loss Kearns, GA

Lose Weight Safely

Using a weight loss clinic to help you lose weight isn't just effective - it's one of the safest ways to shed lbs., too. Without professional supervision from a weight loss clinician, you run the risk of:

  • Unbalanced nutrients and calories
  • Putting yourself under unneeded mental stress
  • Developing an eating disorder
  • Hurting yourself by exercising too much or exercising incorrectly
  • Becoming victim to yo-yo dieting and losing weight too fast

If you're looking to lose weight fast with no diet needed, it might be time to recalibrate your priorities. At Innovative Health and Wellness, our clinicians don't only focus on helping you lose weight. They also address issues related to hormone imbalances, physical therapy, high blood pressure, chiropractic concerns, and overall diet. We're committed to changing your life, one healthy choice at a time.

 Semaglutide Weight Loss Kearns, GA

Supervised Weight Loss and Exercise

People who are overweight and wish to start dieting or exercising should be careful not to do so without proper supervision. Without guidance, they may become frustrated, feel defeated, and ultimately either give up or revert to their old habits.

When a doctor supervises a weight loss program, you are more likely to follow the recommended diet and exercise routines because they are tailored to suit your specific needs. Plus, medical professionals do not judge you; they accept you as you are and support and encourage you to increase your chances of success in the program.

Enjoy Life at a Weight You Love with Help from Innovative Health and Wellness

Joining Innovative Health and Wellness means reclaiming your life. It is an important decision that you must make soon before your health deteriorates further. If you want to feel and look better and live a life free of obesity, our medical weight loss clinic in Kearns, GA is the perfect place for you.

Are you ready to take the next steps toward happiness and healing your body, or will you remain stuck in the same old routine? If you're ready to make meaningful, long-term changes in your life, our weight loss doctors are ready to assist you every step of the way. Our comprehensive weight loss program provides all the tools you need to succeed, including medicines like Semaglutide and GLP-1 agonists, tripeptides, and healthy supplements. Contact our weight loss center to schedule your introductory consultation today.

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Latest News in Kearns, GA

College students get baptized in pickup trucks: Jesus is 'more powerful' than brokenness

University of Georgia students gave their lives to Christ earlier in April after being baptized in pick-up trucks in a parking lot.Unite Georgia brought together thousands of Gen-Zers for worship, prayer and personal testimonies. Some students were so moved by the prayer service that they decided to get baptized in the beds of pick-up trucks ne...

University of Georgia students gave their lives to Christ earlier in April after being baptized in pick-up trucks in a parking lot.

Unite Georgia brought together thousands of Gen-Zers for worship, prayer and personal testimonies. Some students were so moved by the prayer service that they decided to get baptized in the beds of pick-up trucks nearby.

"I just heard the call from the Lord, and he said, ‘Be obedient,'" student Nate Kearns, a junior who was baptized, told "The Ingraham Angle." "I listened to Him to take a step of faith and let my fraternity brothers watch that."


Kearns said though he grew up culturally in the Christian faith, he did not have an "intimate relationship with Christ" and felt a call to respond to the Lord.

"No matter how broken you think you are, Jesus Christ's love is more powerful than that, and He wants to enter into a personal relationship with you," Kearns told Fox News. "If you call on the name of the Lord, you will not be forsaken."

Unite US founder Tonya Prewett said the event can only be explained by the "work of God."

"We have thousands of students showing up at these events and hundreds giving their lives to Jesus, hundreds getting baptized," Prewett said. "We're hearing testimonies from these students saying, ‘Hey, I walked in contemplating suicide, but I left with the most joy and peace I've ever experienced.’ It's just amazing and it's moving."


The Christian mentor said students realize they are "hungry for more" and "desperate for hope" amid "unimaginable pain."

"They're seeking for something, and what we're bringing to them is just hope and truth, and we offer salvation and freedom and connection, and our prayer is that these students will leave this event and get connected in a local church or ministry and carry this on as a lifelong decision."

Tornado leaves Rockdale County residents grateful but wary of scammers

ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. — A resident in Rockdale County is counting her blessings after narrowly escaping a devastating EF-2 tornado that tore through her neighborhood.Celia Kearns, who described her harrowing experience as a "close call," recounted the terrifying moments when she ran to shelter in her bathroom as tree limbs began crashing around her home."We are blessed because we got out alive," Kerns said. "We are alive, and we are well."But the relief was short-lived when she and seve...

ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. — A resident in Rockdale County is counting her blessings after narrowly escaping a devastating EF-2 tornado that tore through her neighborhood.

Celia Kearns, who described her harrowing experience as a "close call," recounted the terrifying moments when she ran to shelter in her bathroom as tree limbs began crashing around her home.

"We are blessed because we got out alive," Kerns said. "We are alive, and we are well."

But the relief was short-lived when she and several neighbors began being bombarded by people claiming to offer assistance with storm damage. Kearns described it as a flurry of activity outside her home, with many people approaching her and offering their services, supposedly on behalf of insurance companies.

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"They started as soon as the sun came up," Kerns said. "I had them all coming down the road, handing out cards, telling me what they could do."

Her neighbor said the same thing, that she'd also been solicited by multiple people offering repair services.

"I'm gonna say a good 20 to 25. We just had one leave maybe half an hour ago," Kearns said.

In the wake of the tornado, residents like Kearns are not only dealing with the storm's aftermath but also facing the threat of potential scams. The Georgia Attorney General's Office warns against "storm chasers" who exploit vulnerable homeowners with offers that sound too good to be true.

To protect themselves, the Attorney General's Office advises residents to:

RELATED: This is where EF-2 tornado damage occurred in Conyers | National Weather Service damage survey

Residents are also encouraged to verify contractors' credentials before engaging in their services. General contractors must be registered with the Georgia Secretary of State's Office, and residents can verify a business's license status online.

Kearns said she would not be tricked by scammers and would follow the advice.

"I'm going to deal with it anyway," she said, adding that she'd already contacted her insurance company.

Unfortunately, even with insurance help, the road to recovery will be long.

"It's going to take time," Kerns acknowledged.

For Kearns and others impacted by the tornado, vigilance and caution remain essential as they rebuild their lives and homes in the aftermath of the storm.

Sister Anna Bridget Kearns, former Atlanta educator, dies

ST. LOUIS—Sister Anna Bridget Kearns, CSJ, died on Nov. 3 at St. Joseph Manor at Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis. She was 92 years old and a Sister of St. Joseph for 74 years.She was born on May 19, 1930 in Augusta to Timothy Joseph and Johanna Agnes (Bartley) Kearns.Sister Anna Bridget, baptized Anna Patricia, was the seventh of nine children. She grew up in a loving Irish, Catholic family and attended Mount St. Joseph Elementary and High Schools, staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Her mother always ...

ST. LOUIS—Sister Anna Bridget Kearns, CSJ, died on Nov. 3 at St. Joseph Manor at Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis. She was 92 years old and a Sister of St. Joseph for 74 years.

She was born on May 19, 1930 in Augusta to Timothy Joseph and Johanna Agnes (Bartley) Kearns.

Sister Anna Bridget, baptized Anna Patricia, was the seventh of nine children. She grew up in a loving Irish, Catholic family and attended Mount St. Joseph Elementary and High Schools, staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Her mother always prayed that one of her daughters would become a sister and was delighted when Anna responded to the call.

Anna was received into the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1948. She received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Fontbonne College in St. Louis in 1959, and a master’s degree in elementary education from the University of Hawaii in Honolulu in 1969. Further studies included Xavier University in New Orleans and Christian Brothers University in Memphis.

Sister Anna Bridget ministered in elementary education for more than 55 years, including service in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and in Savannah, Hawaii, St. Louis and Boston. She served 50 of those as a teacher and five as an administrator.

The first 10 years of her ministry work was in Georgia, beginning in 1950. In the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Sister Anna taught at Sacred Heart School (1950-52, 1957-59). In the Diocese of Savannah, she taught at Sacred Heart School in Savannah (1952-53, 1959-60), St. Francis Xavier School in Brunswick (1953-55), St. John the Evangelist School in Valdosta (1955-57).

In 1960, Sister Anna moved to the Hawaii Island of Oahu. During nine years of service there, she taught at St. Anthony School in Kailua and St. Joseph School in Waipahu.

She came back to the mainland and went on to teach in St. Louis at Holy Guardian Angels School and St. Roch School. Sister Anna then moved to the state of Massachusetts and served in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury where she taught at St. Joseph Community School for the next eight years.

In 1981, she returned to Atlanta to serve at Our Lady of Lourdes School as a teacher (1981-83) and principal (1983-88).

In 1989, after being on sabbatical for nearly a year, Sister Anna Bridget continued teaching in Atlanta at St. Anthony School until 1993. She then went back to St. Francis Xavier School, where she fulfilled her ministry as a teacher.

Sister Anna Bridget retired in 2006. She remained in Brunswick and served as a volunteer for 13 years. She ministered with people who were homeless, in hospice care and shut-ins. Once a week, she would spend a day at St. Francis, helping the third grade teacher whom she taught in third grade.

During her spare time, she loved to spend time walking at the beach and with friends. When celebrating her 70th jubilee in 2019, Sister Anna said her 70 years as a CSJ had been a blessing for her, and expressed gratitude to the community, family and friends who supported her along the way. Since 2019, Sister Anna resided at Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis, carrying out a mission of prayer and presence.

A memorial Mass for Sister Anna Bridget will be Monday, Nov. 21 at 10 a.m. at Nazareth Living Center Chapel in St. Louis. Her cremains will be buried at Resurrection Cemetery. The Mass will be available to watch via livestream at

Memorial contributions may be sent to: Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis Province, 6400 Minnesota Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111-2899 or online at

Crowd Boos and Teammates Ignore Lia Thomas’s NCAA Victory

NR Daily is delivered right to you every afternoon. No charge.Atlanta, Ga. — Lia Thomas, the transgender-identifying male swimmer competing in the NCAA women’s swim championships, tied fifth on Friday with Riley Gaines of the University of Kentucky in the women’s 200-yard freestyle. Taylor Ruck, a Stanford junior, came in first at 1:41.12.During the introductions for the 200-yard swim, each female athlete was greeted with unanimous cheers and applause. But when Lia Thomas’s name was announced, b...

NR Daily is delivered right to you every afternoon. No charge.

Atlanta, Ga. — Lia Thomas, the transgender-identifying male swimmer competing in the NCAA women’s swim championships, tied fifth on Friday with Riley Gaines of the University of Kentucky in the women’s 200-yard freestyle. Taylor Ruck, a Stanford junior, came in first at 1:41.12.

During the introductions for the 200-yard swim, each female athlete was greeted with unanimous cheers and applause. But when Lia Thomas’s name was announced, boos could be heard as well.

A mix of boos and cheers at the introduction of Lia Thomas before the 200-yard freestyle final. Strikingly different to how the female athletes were received.

— Madeleine Kearns (@madeleinekearns) March 19, 2022

On Thursday, Thomas was awarded the 500-yard freestyle championship, with a finishing time of 4:34.99. When Ruck won the 200-yard freestyle, her teammates crowded around her and the crowd cheered.

The enthusiastic reaction from the crowd and swim teammates when Taylor Ruck won the 200-yard freestyle.

— Madeleine Kearns (@madeleinekearns) March 19, 2022

However, when Thomas finished first in the 500-yard freestyle, the crowd’s reaction was more split, and Thomas’s teammates were noticeably less enthusiastic. Thomas walked alone to the camera crew, as female swimmers chose to hug each other instead.

The relatively quiet/tense reaction from the crowd and swim teammates when Lia Thomas finished first in the 500-yard freestyle. (Compare with Taylor Ruck reaction tweet.)

— Madeleine Kearns (@madeleinekearns) March 19, 2022

As Thomas gave an interview to ESPN, one women’s-rights protestor shouted, “He’s a man!”

“He’s a man!” yells a women’s rights protestor as Lis Thomas gives remarks after finishing first in the women’s 500 freestyle finals. #NCAASwimDive

— Madeleine Kearns (@madeleinekearns) March 18, 2022

Chatham Emergency Services donates two ambulances to Nigerian hospital

Last month, Chatham Emergency Services donated two ambulances to the Catholic Diocese of Gboko, Nigeria in Africa. The vehicles will be used at the new Catholic Hospital in Gboko, which is supported by Bishop William A. Avenya.After St. Joseph’s Hospital reached out to the company about donating some of their older vehicles to Dr. Eugene Nwosu, who would be returning to Nigeria to help out at a local clinic, the team went through their vehicles and shipped them over with good grace.Related:...

Last month, Chatham Emergency Services donated two ambulances to the Catholic Diocese of Gboko, Nigeria in Africa. The vehicles will be used at the new Catholic Hospital in Gboko, which is supported by Bishop William A. Avenya.

After St. Joseph’s Hospital reached out to the company about donating some of their older vehicles to Dr. Eugene Nwosu, who would be returning to Nigeria to help out at a local clinic, the team went through their vehicles and shipped them over with good grace.

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Chatham Emergency Service Chief Chuck Kearns was at a Catholic CEO business meeting when a priest from Gboko inquired about receiving donated vehicles for his Diocese’s hospital in Nigeria.

Kearns presented this idea to the county board and it was swiftly approved. From there, the emergency services team got to work on the older vehicles by detailing the vehicles, performing oil changes, and sending them over to St. Joseph’s Hospital so they could be shipped to Africa.

For the Diocese:New Bishop Stephen Parkes on his impressions of Savannah, rest of Georgia

On Jan. 14, Kearns dropped the two ambulances off at St. James Parish and gave the keys to Father Peter Lanshima, who was on loan from the Gboko Diocese.

“Within three days, those ambulances were gone and on their way to Africa,” Kearns says, proud that his team was able to help.

“We’re in an industry that serves people. You don’t become an EMT, a paramedic, or a firefighter to get rich. It’s a calling, and you want to help people and your community. We hope that they’ll be put to good use and be able to help save lives [in] Nigeria like they did for so many years here.”

Over the years, Chatham Emergency Services have donated eight ambulances to a health clinic in Lagos, Nigeria.

Father Daniel F. Firmin at St. James Parish helped Father Lanshima put the project in motion. “[Lanshima and I] chatted about that wonderful possibility,” he says. After putting a parishioner who worked at Chatham Emergency Services and Lanshima in touch, “the rest was history.”

“I think lives will be saved in Nigeria, [and the ambulances] will increase the medical care for the people there,” he says about the donation’s outcome. “[It’s] not an impossible task to show charity and love for our brothers and sisters around the world.”


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