One of the primary goals of our office is to help men balance their male hormones. Learn more about this unique way of balancing hormones in men below.
What is the Goal of Balancing Hormones in Men?
The goal of hormone optimization therapy is to provide patients with an enhanced sense of well-being. This could mean a return to the balance they once knew, or it could also mean providing a balance they never felt before. In addition to feeling great, balancing male hormones may be able to help reduce the risk of certain concerns connected to hormone health.
How to Get Started With Bioidentical Hormone Balance Therapy
First, a patient schedules an office visit to test current hormone levels. Based on a comprehensive consultation and extensive lab work, providers determine candidacy. Patients will schedule a quick follow-up appointment to review their results, and if they qualify as a candidate, they can receive pellet therapy insertion on a day of their choosing.
What is the Pellet insertion procedure of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may begin to balance male hormones within up to two to four weeks. However, everyone is different; in some cases, it may take a second pellet insertion to feel the full benefits. This Method of BHRT is customized to each patient’s unique physiology based on a consultation and extensive lab work. Because of this, every program is tailored to the patient.
What Can Male Patients Expect From BHRT?
While everyone’s results are different, the process for considering, getting, monitoring, and continuing with BHRT is typically the same with most patients. The first appointment with one of our Providers will involve extensive hormone testing. The next appointment will review the patient’s test results. Then, if the provider finds that the patient’s hormone levels are unbalanced and determines that the patient is a candidate, the hormone pellet insertion can be performed at a time of the patients choosing. The next round of BHRT pellets will be inserted in approximately three to six months, depending on various factors that determine absorption rates and needs, as every patient’s path to balancing hormones is unique.

Our Method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) using pellet therapy is customized to each man’s unique physiology based on a consultation and extensive lab work. Because of this, every program is customized to the patient. Read more about pellet therapy for men below.
What Is BHRT?
BHRT stands for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, the type of therapy our Providers use. Bioidentical is used to convey that the molecular structure is the same as the hormones produced by the human body. Men who lack hormones at certain consistent levels or who have too much of a certain hormone may benefit from BHRT for men.
What Are BHRT Pellets?
Pellets are made of custom-compounded hormones and binders. The hormones are compounded in the U.S. by outsourcing facilities that are held to strict standards. Each pellet manufactured is tested for potency, sterility, and endotoxins to ensure patients are being provided with high-quality pellet therapy for men to help their hormone optimization.
What Is BHRT Pellet Therapy?
The hormones used in our Method of BHRT are delivered to men in pellet form, and within up to two to four weeks, patients may begin to feel hormone therapy benefits. Some report feeling the full benefits of BHRT sooner than that, and others after the second insertion. Hormone therapy has helped numerous men regain their hormone balance and optimize their testosterone levels.
What May Pellet Therapy Help Relieve?
Many conditions may be improved in men through pellet therapy, including andropause, low mood, anxiousness, low sex drive, decreased bone density, and heart health. Pellet therapy benefits for men may include the relief of symptoms caused by these conditions, as well as a return to hormonal balance.
What Are Male BHRT Pellets?
Our office utilizes pellet therapy that contains bioidentical hormones custom compounded in pharmacies within the US. These pellets are inserted subcutaneously in the body and provide continuous therapeutic support for many conditions that men face.
What Are the Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men?
Because every patient is unique, their experience with hormone replacement therapy may vary. Some male BHRT patients have reported that they feel happier, and more energized and notice improvements in their physical and mental wellbeing with continued hormone optimization therapy.
How Can Men Optimize Their Hormones?
How do patients learn more about this Method? Providers request extensive lab work looking at current hormone levels and other indicators of a hormone imbalance. Based on a hormone consultation and a review of the blood panel, one of our Providers will determine a patient’s candidacy for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Patients will schedule a quick follow-up appointment to review their results for pellet therapy insertion.

Pellet Therapy Benefits for Men
The hormones used in our BHRT are delivered to men in pellet form, and within up to two to four weeks, patients may begin to feel hormone therapy benefits. Some report feeling the full benefits after their second insertion. Hormone therapy has helped numerous men regain their hormone balance. Studies have shown hormone replacement therapy may help relieve the symptoms of a hormone imbalance in men and may include:
Weight gain
Loss of muscle mass
Brain fog
Decreased sexual performance
Low mood
And more
BHRT & Possible Sexual Performance Benefits for Men
For men with a hormone imbalance, their sexual performance and health may be affected. While this is typically related to a natural decline in testosterone that begins around age 40, men of any age can be impacted. When testosterone levels become optimized through hormone replacement therapy, male patients have reported benefits that include enhanced sexual performance and increased sexual desire.
The Connection Between Men’s Sexual Health & Hormones
Testosterone plays an active role in a man’s sex life. This essential hormone affects nearly every aspect of men’s sexual desire and performance. When testosterone levels decrease with age or due to other health issues, men often notice the impact in the form of reduced sexual performance and overall desire.
Signs & Symptoms You May Benefit from Hormone Replacement Therapy
Decreased testosterone levels in men, often referred to as “low T,” is a common issue that can affect men of any age. Symptoms of a hormone imbalance in men can often impact their libido. Changes in libido may feel like a decreased desire to have sex and lackluster performance. Left unresolved, testosterone imbalances can have far-reaching effects on a man’s overall health and relationships.
How Hormone Pellets May Help with Sexual Performance in Men
One of the best ways a man can determine if they are suffering from low testosterone is by getting their hormone levels checked by one of our offices in metro Atlanta. Our providers are trained to help identify and address testosterone concerns in men and can help offer a path to optimization utilizing the BHRT method. Using bioidentical testosterone, which is molecularly identical to the testosterone already created in men’s bodies, may help return hormone levels to normal levels, improving sexual performance and desire linked to low testosterone.
BHRT & Possible Benefits for Muscle Strength in Men
As men age, they often experience muscle loss in their arms and legs, leading to reduced overall strength and performance in the gym. This loss in muscle is often associated with a natural decline in testosterone, which is common in men aged 40 and older. Optimizing testosterone may help maintain muscle mass and improve strength.
The Connection Between Muscles & Hormones
Hormones play a vital role in the development and maintenance of muscles in men. One of the key hormones, testosterone, can decline with age or be impacted due to other health concerns. Consistently low testosterone over time has been linked to a decline in muscle mass and strength, which can have far-reaching impacts on a man’s confidence and performance both inside and outside of the gym.
Signs & Symptoms Your Muscle Loss May be Hormone Related
Most men increase muscle mass and strength until sometime around the age of 30. As they age, hormones like testosterone can begin to decline, and the muscles that depend on these hormones are affected. Signs of a hormone imbalance can include muscle loss in men and a decrease in overall strength. If muscle strength declines even after continued resistance training, a hormone imbalance could be a contributing factor.
How Hormone Pellets May Help with Muscle Loss in Men
Checking your hormone levels with one of our offices can help you gain valuable insights into current testosterone levels. Patients who are candidates for hormone optimization can take advantage of bioidentical testosterone pellets using a customized method based on their specific health concerns, including a loss in muscle strength. As patients’ hormone levels are optimized, they may find maintaining muscle mass and strength more manageable.
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms in Men
We are here to help men who are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Below learn more about the symptoms of male hormone imbalance and how to face this condition head-on.
Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Men
Men who experience hormonal imbalance can suffer from wide-ranging symptoms. However, there is a Method of hormone replacement therapy that may help relieve these symptoms. Learn about the common symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men and the services that our Providers can offer below.
What Are Hormones?
Produced within the body, hormones regulate many different systems involving reproduction, mood, bone density, cholesterol metabolism, weight, muscle-to-fat ratio, and more.
How Can Hormones Become Unbalanced?
While our hormones can become unbalanced as we age, many other things can impact hormone balance in men. Diet, consistently experiencing stress, living a sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and even some environmental factors can often impact hormonal balance.
What are the Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Men?
A loss of libido is the most commonly reported symptom of hormonal imbalance in men. Trouble thinking clearly, often called “brain fog,” is another common symptom. Irritability and mood swings are also frequently cited by patients. Chronic exhaustion, low mood, anxiousness, and mood swings may also be experienced by men with a hormone imbalance.

What Therapies Are Available to Address Hormone Imbalance in Men?
Our office offers both injectable testosterone and additional bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in the form of pellets. These pellets, which are the size of a grain of rice, are inserted subcutaneously in a quick procedure. The pellets will then dissolve and be absorbed into the body, providing consistent doses of hormone therapy for up to three to six months. Some report feeling the benefits of BHRT sooner than that.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
Testosterone naturally decreases as men age and may result in undesirable issues when it dips too low. Fortunately, hormone replacement pellet insertion offered by our office may help improve low testosterone (low T) symptoms.
What Causes Low Testosterone?
There are essentially two causes of low T—primary hypogonadism and secondary hypogonadism. Primary hypogonadism occurs when the testicles are injured and have not descended or if one suffers from Klinefelter syndrome. Secondary hypogonadism is from pituitary disorders, medications, elevated blood sugar, and aging. Some signs of low T in men include low mood, decreased sex drive, and physical weakness.
Low T Symptoms
There are several low T symptoms. However, indicators of low T are not always obvious. Here are some common symptoms of testosterone deficiency:
- Low energy
- Loss of body hair
- Loss of muscle mass and strength
- Weak bones
- Mood swings
- Low mood
- Hot flashes
- Low sex drive
- Low semen volume
Tackling Symptoms of Low T in Men
If a patient is experiencing low T symptoms, it is important to contact our office to identify the cause. Pellet therapy may help correct low T and may help with other unseen risks of low testosterone.
Mental Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Men
The mental symptoms of hormone imbalance are often misdiagnosed or ignored, so it’s important to understand the signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance. Keep reading to learn more about the mental symptoms of hormone imbalance and how our procedure may help.
Mental Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
There are many mental symptoms of hormone imbalance. When the thyroid is overactive or underactive or imbalances in a man’s stress hormones—adrenaline and cortisol—he can suffer from anxiousness, sleeplessness, moodiness, low mood, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. This bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) method may help address these concerns.
Possible Mental Symptom Relief With Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, also known as BHRT, helps restore the body’s hormones to their proper levels. Using pellets that are compounded according to each patient’s needs, pellets are inserted subcutaneously in a quick procedure. The pellets then dissolve and are absorbed into the body, providing hormones for up to three to six months. However, some report feeling the full benefits much sooner than that. BHRT may help to relieve the causes of hormone imbalance rather than simply the mental symptoms of hormonal imbalance.
There are many benefits to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for men. Find out if your hormones are balanced and learn how our Method of hormone replacement therapy for men may help.
What Is Male BHRT?
For decades, hormone therapy for men has been a common practice to address the symptoms of aging. Male bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may help men feel like themselves again. It may also help men who have always suffered from unbalanced hormones feel better for the first time. Male hormone replacement may also lower the severity of ailments not directly associated with reproductive symptoms. Our office has helped many patients with our unique approach to hormone therapy for men using pellet hormone therapy.
What Are Bioidentical Hormones?
Bioidentical hormones are identical to those present in the human body, and closely resemble the molecular structure of human hormones.
What Are Male BHRT Pellets?
Pellets used for male BHRT are high-quality and custom-compounded with bioidentical testosterone. In an in-office appointment, these pellets are inserted subcutaneously in a patient’s upper buttocks. Within up to two to four weeks after a pellet insertion, hormone therapy for men may begin to alleviate some unwanted symptoms. However, everyone’s body is different, and some patients report feeling better sooner and some later, but ultimately, we balance your hormones so that you get the results you are looking for.
What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men?
Hormone therapy for men can take the form of patches, creams, pills, injections, or pellets, all containing testosterone. This method of bioidentical hormone replacement for men uses pellets containing bioidentical testosterone and may help with many different symptoms commonly associated with hormonal imbalance.
When Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Men Most Beneficial?
Bioidentical hormone replacement for men may help those whose hormones are out of balance. Hormone imbalance frequently occurs as we age. However, there are instances like hypogonadism that can occur at any age. Our Providers will qualify patients based on their individual lab results and current hormone levels.

Getting started with MALE BHRT from US is easy!
Enclomiphene citrate
is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that is used as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to increase testosterone levels in men. Enclomiphene citrate works by blocking estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates the production of testosterone in the testes.
Enclomiphene citrate blocks the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, resulting in an increase in LH production and subsequent stimulation of the testes to produce more testosterone. This helps to restore normal testosterone levels in men with hypogonadism, a condition in which the testes do not produce enough testosterone.
Enclomiphene citrate is generally well-tolerated and has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men with hypogonadism. Note this PUB MED study that rated the efficiency of enclomiphene citrate on LH, FSH, and overall testosterone levels after 6 weeks of observation(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4155868/) However, it is important to note that enclomiphene citrate is not a cure for hypogonadism and must be taken as part of a comprehensive hormone replacement program under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider as we have here at Innovative Health and Wellness.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with multiple medications, such as testosterone, gonadorelin, enclomiphene citrate, and an anti-aromatase inhibitor, can be used to achieve a balanced plan that maximizes the benefits of TRT while minimizing the potential side effects.
Testosterone is the primary medication used in TRT, as it is responsible for increasing testosterone levels to normal physiological levels. However, testosterone can also be converted into estrogen by an enzyme called aromatase. High levels of estrogen can lead to negative side effects such as gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men) and water retention.

To prevent these side effects, an anti-aromatase inhibitor such as anastrozole may be prescribed in conjunction with testosterone. Anti-aromatase inhibitors work by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, thus reducing the risk of negative side effects.
Gonadorelin is a medication that stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. In some cases, testosterone replacement therapy can suppress LH production, leading to a decrease in testicular size and function. Gonadorelin can help maintain testicular function and prevent testicular atrophy during TRT.
Enclomiphene citrate, as mentioned earlier, is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that blocks estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, leading to an increase in LH production and subsequent stimulation of the testes to produce more testosterone.
Combining these medications in a balanced TRT plan can help to achieve optimal testosterone levels while minimizing the risk of negative side effects. However, it is important to note that TRT should only be prescribed by a qualified healthcare provider and that regular monitoring of testosterone levels and potential side effects is essential.
is a synthetic peptide that acts as a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist. It is used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. These hormones, in turn, stimulate the testes to produce testosterone in men.
Gonadorelin is important in a balanced hormone replacement plan for men because it helps to maintain testicular function and prevent testicular atrophy during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). TRT can suppress LH production, leading to a decrease in testicular size and function. This can result in reduced sperm production and fertility.
By stimulating the production of LH and FSH with gonadorelin, TRT can be optimized to maintain healthy testicular function and sperm production while also restoring testosterone levels to normal physiological levels. This can help to alleviate symptoms of low testosterone, such as low libido, fatigue, and depression, while also improving overall health and well-being in men.
It is important to note that gonadorelin should only be used as part of a comprehensive hormone replacement plan under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. Regular monitoring of hormone levels and potential side effects is also essential.
Injectable testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) pellet testosterone therapy are two different approaches to testosterone replacement that offer unique benefits and drawbacks. Here are some key points to compare and contrast the benefits of each:
Comparison Between Injectable Testosterone And BHRT Pellet Therapy
- Injectable TRT is widely available and can be administered in various forms (e.g., intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection.) Injectable TRT is sometimes covered by insurance (with very strict parameters) and is generally more affordable when covered by insurance(however, insurance has made it very difficult to fully cover it in recent years) than BHRT pellet therapy.
- Injectable TRT allows for precise dosing adjustments based on individual needs and hormone levels.
- Injectable TRT can be stopped or adjusted quickly if side effects occur or if hormone levels need to be reevaluated.
- Injectable TRT requires frequent administration, typically every 1-2 weeks depending on the form of administration.
- Injectable TRT may result in fluctuating hormone levels and potential side effects, particularly if doses are not adjusted properly or if absorption is inconsistent.
- Injectable TRT may require more frequent lab testing and monitoring to ensure optimal dosing and hormone levels.
BHRT Pellet Testosterone Therapy
- BHRT pellet therapy offers a sustained-release form of testosterone that can last for several months. It is a more natural way of delivery that is similar to the natural way testosterone or other hormones are delivered within the body.
- IBHRT pellet therapy can provide more consistent hormone levels and may result in fewer fluctuations and side effects.
- BHRT pellet therapy requires less frequent administration compared to injectable TRT.
- BHRT pellet therapy may be preferred by individuals who prefer natural or plant-based hormone therapy.
- BHRT pellet therapy may be more expensive than injectable TRT, as it is not covered by insurance.
- BHRT pellet therapy requires a minor surgical procedure to insert and remove the pellets. It is minor and painless.
- BHRT pellet therapy may result in suboptimal dosing adjustments if hormone levels need to be reevaluated before the pellets are due to be removed.
- BHRT pellet therapy may not be suitable for individuals who have a history of blood clotting disorders or certain medical conditions.
Overall, both injectable TRT and BHRT pellet therapy can be effective forms of testosterone replacement therapy, but they each have unique benefits and drawbacks. The choice between the two ultimately depends on individual needs, preferences, and medical history. It is important to discuss the pros and cons of each approach with one of our qualified healthcare providers at Innovative Health and Wellness before deciding on a testosterone replacement plan.
Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide CJC/IPAMORELIN
CJC1295 and Ipamorelin are both growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs) that can be used together as part of a hormone replacement program. These peptides work together to stimulate the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary gland, which can have a number of benefits for overall health and well-being.
CJC1295 is a synthetic peptide that is designed to stimulate the release of GH by increasing the frequency and amplitude of GH pulses. It does this by binding to and activating the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor, which is found on the surface of cells in the pituitary gland. When activated, this receptor triggers the release of GH from the pituitary gland.
Ipamorelin, on the other hand, is a selective GH secretagogue that works by stimulating the release of GH from the pituitary gland without increasing levels of other hormones, such as cortisol. It does this by binding to and activating the ghrelin receptor, which is found on the surface of cells in the pituitary gland. When activated, this receptor triggers the release of GH.
When used together, CJC1295 and Ipamorelin can work synergistically to increase the release of GH from the pituitary gland. This can lead to a number of benefits, including:
1. Increased muscle mass and strength: GH is known to promote the growth of lean muscle tissue and improve muscle strength, making it an attractive option for athletes and bodybuilders.
2. Improved bone density: GH is also important for maintaining bone health and can help to prevent osteoporosis in older individuals.
3. Enhanced fat loss: GH can help to increase the metabolism of fat cells, leading to increased fat loss and improved body composition.
4. Improved skin health: GH has been shown to stimulate the production of collagen, which can help to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
5. Improved immune function: GH is important for maintaining immune function and can help to improve the body’s ability to fight off infections and illnesses.
6. Increased energy and vitality: GH is known to improve energy levels and overall vitality, leading to improved quality of life and well-being.
Overall, the combination of CJC1295 and Ipamorelin can be an effective way to increase GH levels and promote overall health and well-being. However, it’s important to work with a qualified healthcare professional, like we have here at Innovative Health and Wellness, to determine if these peptides are appropriate for your individual needs and to ensure safe and effective use.
While growth hormone (GH) is a powerful hormone with many benefits, there are several reasons why someone might consider using CJC1295 and Ipamorelin instead of GH:
1. GH injections can be expensive: GH injections can be very costly, with prices ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars per month. In contrast, CJC1295 and Ipamorelin are relatively affordable and may be more cost-effective options for some individuals.
2. GH injections require a prescription: GH injections are only available with a prescription from a qualified healthcare provider, and require a very specific diagnosis for legal use. There are no “off-label” uses for GH and this makes its availability very limited to only a select group of patients with very limited and specific diagnoses. While CJC1295 and Ipamorelin are readily available to most patients without as many restrictions on use.
3. GH injections can cause side effects: While GH injections are generally safe when used as directed, they can cause a number of side effects, including fluid retention, joint pain, and increased risk of diabetes. CJC1295 and Ipamorelin, on the other hand, have a lower risk of side effects and are generally well-tolerated.
4. CJC1295 and Ipamorelin can stimulate natural GH production: While GH injections provide a direct source of GH, CJC1295 and Ipamorelin work by stimulating the body’s natural production of GH. This may lead to a more natural and sustainable increase in GH levels over time.
5. CJC1295 and Ipamorelin may have additional benefits: In addition to stimulating GH production, CJC1295, and Ipamorelin may have other benefits for overall health and well-being. For example, CJC1295 has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce inflammation, while Ipamorelin may have neuroprotective effects.
In summary, while GH injections may be appropriate for some very specific individuals, CJC1295 and Ipamorelin may offer a more affordable, accessible, and potentially safer alternative with additional health benefits. It’s important to work with a qualified healthcare provider, like the ones we have here at Innovative Health and Wellness. to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.
Why would someone choose to do Testosterone Replacement Therapy and CJC1295/Iapomorelin together? Are there any synergistic benefits?
Testosterone therapy and CJC1295/Ipamorelin can work together synergistically to promote overall health and well-being, particularly for individuals experiencing low testosterone levels or the natural decline of GH production with age. Here’s how:
Testosterone therapy involves the use of exogenous testosterone to replace or supplement the body’s natural testosterone production. This can help to increase muscle mass and strength, improve bone density, enhance libido and sexual function, and improve mood and cognitive function, among other benefits.
CJC1295/Ipamorelin, on the other hand, works by stimulating the body’s natural production of growth hormone (GH), which can help to increase muscle mass and strength, improve bone density, enhance fat loss, improve immune function, and increase energy and vitality.
When used together, testosterone therapy and CJC1295/Ipamorelin can work synergistically to enhance the benefits of each treatment. For example, testosterone therapy can help to increase muscle mass and strength, while CJC1295/Ipamorelin can help to enhance these effects by stimulating GH production. Similarly, CJC1295/Ipamorelin can help to enhance fat loss and energy levels, which may be particularly beneficial for individuals with low testosterone levels.
Additionally, both testosterone therapy and CJC1295/Ipamorelin have been shown to have anti-aging effects, including improved skin health, cognitive function, and overall vitality. Using both treatments together may help to enhance these anti-aging effects and promote overall health and well-being.
However, it’s important to note that the use of testosterone therapy and CJC1295/Ipamorelin should be carefully monitored by a qualified healthcare provider, like the ones we have at Innovative Health and Wellness, as these treatments can have potential side effects and risks. It’s also important to ensure that these treatments are appropriate for your individual needs and medical history.
What Our Patients Are Saying