Allergies – Finding the Cause and Obtaining Treatment

14 Feb 14

Allergy-TestingSome experts view allergies as a biological accident. Your immune system misinterprets a harmless protein like dust or peanuts as a threat, and when you encounter it, you pay the price with sneezing, wheezing, and in the worst cases, death.

Instance of allergies is rapidly increasing. Depending on the study and population, the prevalence of allergic disease and asthma increased between two- and threefold in the late 20th century, a mysterious trend often called the “allergy epidemic and each new generation seems to have more severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions than the last.

This is why allergy testing like that offered at Innovative Health and Wellness in Woodstock is so important. We can diagnose the cause of your allergies and work with you to develop an individualized treatment program to prevent you from suffering allergic reactions.

We utilize skin tests since they are the gold standard in allergy testing and provide the fastest results, at less cost than blood testing and is generally fully covered by most major insurance plans.

At Innovative Health and Wellness we test for 48 of the most common allergens that are prevalent in the southeast.  This includes dander and pelt of cat, dog epithelia, horse dander, cockroach, dust mites, molds, and pollens from weeds, grasses, and trees.

We are your best choice for allergy testing because we are familiar with your overall health goals. Innovative Health and Wellness is involved in the long term care of all of our patients – physically, emotionally, and psychologically.  Data has shown patients with an ongoing relationship with their medical providers have better overall outcomes.

Once we receive the results after consultation between our staff and the patient and complying with insurance requirements, customized immunosuppressant therapy specific to each patient will be compounded for either subcutaneous (injection) or sublingual (oral) administration.

You do not need to suffer from allergies. Contact our office in Woodstock to schedule your consultation at 770-926-4646 or use the convenient “Contact Us” feature on our website.


Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

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